Anzac Day Commemoration
On Friday, 26 April, the Haileybury City community returned to Flagstaff Gardens to commemorate Anzac Day. Students from Prep to Year 8 gathered to honour all those who have served in Australian forces, both in conflicts and in peacekeeping missions over the past century. In the minute’s silence, students reflected on the names of the Old Haileyburians who served our nation in the World Wars and on the messages of our student leaders. The service concluded with the Brass Ensemble who performed the Last Post, Reveille and the National Anthem. Lest we forget.
Mothers and significant women
The campus was full of hundreds of mothers and significant women in the lives of our ELC to Year 8 students. We love hearing stories from our students about why they love these special women in their lives. Knowing they have unconditional love allows our children to feel secure in themselves. Below you will read more about the fun that was had. There were many tears of joy and happiness shed when our Junior and Middle School sang.
I thank the Heads of School and staff for organising the variety of wonderful activities and learning experiences, and to our Middle School student leaders who led the Middle School event.
Early Learning Centre
Road Safety in the ELC
For Road Safety Awareness Week, the ELC children learnt about the importance of keeping our bodies safe within the community. The children went on a mini excursion to the Basement where we noticed different road signs such as a pedestrian crossing and the speed limit of 5 km/h.
Children then practised road safety skills as we held hands, stopped, looked, listened and walked across the crossing, understanding the importance of road safety in our ELC and the wider community.
Opportunities for embedding these skills in our daily lives will continue to be fostered as children role model the correct procedures when crossing the road.
Thank you, Mum
For Mother’s Day, the ELC recently celebrated and gave thanks to the mothers and significant people in their lives. The morning was filled with smiles, as well as activities shared by children, mothers and significant people and included craft and stories within our indoor and outdoor environments. A photo booth was created by the children.
Having worked hard on their gifts of appreciation for the special people who do so much for them, the children were excited to present their mother or special person with beautiful keepsakes. Thank you to everyone who joined us in this celebration.
Junior School
Fire Rescue Victoria visits the Preps!
We were delighted to welcome back the local firefighters from Fire Rescue Victoria. Located just a short distance around the corner from our vertical campus on Batman Street, it did not take long for the fire truck and firefighters to make their way to our King Street entrance. During their visit, they presented to the Preps on fire-safe behaviours and common emergency procedures. Our Preps even had the chance to explore the fire truck and its associated equipment. This special visit supported one of our Inquiry Units, ‘Our Communities Are Organised to Keep Us Safe.’
“I really liked that we got to climb up into the fire truck. It was really big.” – Zain

National Simultaneous Storytime is on the horizon!
Our students are eagerly anticipating the return of National Simultaneous Storytime in 2024. Organised annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), this event brings together communities across the nation. A picture book, crafted by Australian authors and illustrators, is read simultaneously in various settings, including libraries, schools, preschools and homes. At our School, this event is expertly led by Ms Kuhne (Head of Library Services – City) and will see all Junior School students gathered under the fair lights on Level 3, joined by our ELC children, to participate in this cherished library event. This year’s story is Bowerbird Blues, by Aura Parker.
Winter Uniform Reminder
As the colder months approach, we kindly remind Junior School families that from Week 3 of Term 2, all students from Prep – Year 4 should wear their full winter uniform. We encourage pride in uniform attire, reflecting our community’s high standards. If needed, the HPF City Second-hand Uniform Pop-Up Shop, held in the second last week of this term, can help families. Remember, the winter uniform is required for both Terms 2 and 3. Details on the full uniform policy can be found in the ‘School Info’ section of myHaileybury.
Middle School
Mothers and Significant Women’s Morning
We were delighted to celebrate our mothers and significant women on the morning of Thursday, 9 May.
This year, the guests were invited into our Middle Schools where they were greeted by the students and mingled before enjoying a delicious breakfast and hearing some meaningful speeches. From here, students and their guests went to homerooms where the Year 8s hosted some captivating activities, including some New York Times-style crossword puzzles, cards, coupons and a Booklet – all created by our Year 8 Leaders. To finish, everyone came back together again for some performances from our incredible musicians, as well as raffle prizes.
It was a wonderful morning. We thank the mothers and significant women for their presence and acknowledge the love, guidance and support they provide our students each and every day.
Middle School in Action
It was a pleasure to welcome our Year 5 families to levels 4 and 5 as they participated in a lesson with their Middle School child. In both the Boys and Girls Middle Schools, English was the focus. Year 5.1 developed their reading comprehension skills through Haileybury’s bespoke ‘Code Crackers’ program while Year 5A continued to explore the class novel Wonder, particularly the characteristics of the protagonist, and aligned this with how they are wonderous.
The Middle School in Action mornings are vital as we continue to provide an environment in which our young people are given every chance to achieve their potential by ensuring that there is a strong partnership between the students, families and School. We look forward to welcoming our Years 6 and 8 families to Middle School in Action on Thursday, 30 May.
Years 7 and 8 exams
We congratulate our students on their application to their Semester 1 Exams, particularly our Year 7s who undertook a formal Haileybury examination period for the first time. We are proud of their hard work and preparation to achieve their very best, with many attending the Exam Help Desk sessions that were provided by the staff. This exam period included Geography and semester-based subjects. Studying for and sitting examinations is a skill that must be developed and Haileybury students are given numerous opportunities to do this in Middle School before they transition to Senior School.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
Mothers and Significant Women Events 2024
The campus has certainly been busy with Mother’s and Significant Women’s Day celebrations in full swing. I hope that all the mums had a lovely day and felt very spoilt. It is such a lovely time of the year to spend with our mums and our children. With the many activities on at Haileybury City, we hope those who attended went away with some lovely memories.
Middle School Family Trivia Night – Friday, 14 June
Have you got your tickets yet for the MS Family Trivia Night on Friday, 14 June?
Preparations for the event are in full swing, with staff assisting with the questions, games being organised and popcorn being ordered. All the details on how to order food, tickets and more are on the myHaileybury app notice.
Just a reminder, it is a ticketed event. We encourage you to order your tickets early to avoid missing out. Ticket sales will close on Friday, 7 June, unless sold out prior. Don’t forget those gold coins for the games during the night!
HPF City Second-hand Uniform Pop-Up Shop
We held an additional pop-up shop on Wednesday, 2 May between 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm, which was a very successful session. Thanks to Andrea Livingston, the SHUS team and Gabe, and the Facilities team for pulling it all together in the basement. What a great service this team of volunteers is providing.
Our next pop-up shop will be held on the Thursday, 20 and Friday, 21 June. As always, you can continue to drop off items to be sold into the blue bins at City Reception. Please ensure that a form is submitted with your items and is attached to all bundles (a photocopy of the form is great if you have multiple items on hangers or bags). Items without forms will be treated as a donation. Should you have any queries, please email
Have a great month and enjoy the lovely autumn sunshine.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City