Engagement as a City community
At City we continue to be focused on growth and celebrating each important step on our learning journey. We seek to achieve our 2024 Haileybury City goal; Learners for Life @ Haileybury City. It was lovely to see our parent community engage in learning at our recent meetings and Information Sessions. We enjoyed sharing the learning planned for 2024 and our goals as a campus, School and year group. Your engagement in how we develop and nurture your child’s abilities and skills in the academic, social, emotional and physical domains is always appreciated. We are always better together.
HPF City morning Tea
The sun shone brightly for our first HPF City event for 2024. Parents and friends gathered on our glorious Inside Out Court and we enjoyed a morning muffin together on Random Acts of Kindness Day. Everyone commented on the warm welcome to campus that all had experienced and the great City community. We passed on the parent community’s thanks to the staff for the wonderful start to the year, that was expressed by all. Our new parents are already well settled into City, as are all the students!
Early Learning Centre
Loving Numeracy in the ELC
With a wonderful sense of belonging established within the ELC, children have thrived since the start of our Term 1 program. Counting has been an interest of many children in Reception who have been busy building on these skills.
A clear love of counting with blocks has been combined at group time and children have been presented with a numeral before carefully collecting and counting small blocks to represent this number.

Meanwhile, Pre-Prep have been busy focusing on their collaborative learning skills through numeracy experiences demonstrating recognition of one- and two-digit numbers.

Outside the classroom, mathematical language continues to drive our play-based learning program. Children have been enjoying the warmer weather and engaging with water in the outdoor environment.
The use of buckets as we water and care for our terrace garden has introduced words such as heavier, full, half-full and lighter.
We look forward to many more numeracy opportunities throughout the year that help foster a love of learning in this important area for our ELC children.
Junior School
Semester 1 Leaders Inducted
We are delighted to announce the official induction of the Year 4 Junior School Leaders for Semester 1, 2024, inaugurating their tenure as student leaders and inspirations within our school community. We congratulate the following students and look forward to seeing the Semester 2 leaders support them in their new roles.

Well done to all our Semester 1 Leaders!
Flag bearer
Newton House Captain
Main House Captain
Na House Captain
Elliot House Captain
Arts Captain
Sports Captain
Environment Captain
Library Captains
Gabriel and Cara
Social Justice Captain
Maintaining Strong Connections
Establishing strong connections is essential for creating a nurturing and interactive learning environment. When students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their teachers and classmates, they are more likely to be motivated to learn and participate actively within their community. Our Year 4 students have also modelled positive relationship building by engaging in meaningful and inclusive interactions with their Prep Buddies, demonstrating the importance of empathy, kindness and respect; just three of our Respectful Relationship Pillars. Much the same, our newly evolved Parent–Teacher Interviews, now known as myProgress Meetings, were a truly wonderful opportunity to candidly discuss each child’s progress and work collaboratively to support their learning journey.
You’re Invited – Learning in Action!
Throughout the remaining weeks of Term 1, City parents will be invited to observe their child’s learning by attending the following events as outlined within the Key Dates:
- Prep Parent Information Session (Numeracy) – Tuesday 12 March
- Junior School in Action (Years 1 and 2) – Tuesday 19 March
- Junior School in Action (Years 3 and 4) – Tuesday 26 March
Please peruse the informational flyers that have been released to parents via the myHaileybury parent app, and we look forward to welcoming parents into our classrooms.
Middle School
Year 6 Canberra Tour
The Year 6 Girls and Boys have recently experienced an action-packed week each in the nation’s capital. The comprehensive itinerary included a significant visit to the Australian War Memorial, exploring the various levels of Questacon, discovery at the Deep Space Communication Complex, the politics of Parliament House, the talent at the Australian Institute of Sport and the brilliance of the National Gallery of Australia.
The tour educated our young people on Australia’s history and culture as well as enabling them to have fun and strengthen relationships with teachers and peers from across our campuses. Their experiences in Canberra support their current study of Australian Government in Year 6 Humanities and we have seen the students impart their real-life learning back in the classroom.
It is significant that all young Australians are provided the opportunity to visit Caberra as part of their Civics and Citizenship education and we thank the Australian Government for its influence in making this possible. It contributes $45.00 per student towards the cost of educational tours through the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program.
International Women’s Day
While International Women’s Day (IWD) occurred on Friday, 8 March, the Middle School used this entire week to mark the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The theme for IWD 2024 is ‘Inspire Inclusion’. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. Furthermore, when women themselves are inspired to be included, there is a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment. The week was about collectively forging a more inclusive world for women.
Before school every day of Week 7, students were able to try their hand at daily puzzles made by our Year 8 Leaders, while there were numerous IWD related Homeroom activities. Throughout the week, the Year 8s sold badges that celebrated the Boys Middle School goal of Strength of Character and the Girls Middle School goal of You Are the Author of Your Own Story. All proceeds raised from this initiative were donated to Dress for Success who empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
On Tuesday, the Year 7s and 8s participated in a Slam Poetry Workshop with the fabulous Emily Zoey Baker. On Thursday, the Middle School Assembly had an IWD theme as Year 12 student Eve shared her powerful experience as the recipient of the Haileybury UK Scholarship, while students also heard stories about women who inspire inclusion.
To mark the day itself, students and staff wore a touch of purple, and purple hair ribbon was sold raising further funds for Dress for Success. Also, as each student and curious staff member arrived on Level 4 or 5 on Friday morning, they received a playing card which led them to a corresponding card on the wall where they learnt the story of an inspirational woman. The celebrations concluded when staff and students congregated to enjoy Shine on the Terrace which featured some of our talented musicians holding a lunchtime performance, while the Year 12 Leaders offered glittery face painting.
Man Cave and Burn Bright – It’s in Our DNA
The Man Cave and Burn Bright – It’s in Our DNA delivered all-day student wellbeing incursions for our Year 8 Boys and Girls respectively.
The Boys Middle School focused on building respectful relationships across all domains of their lives. They explored how to support others, empathy, conflict resolution, expressing needs, power/privilege and integrity. The objectives of the Building Respectful Relationships program are:
- Exploring what defines a respectful relationship, especially with women.
- Considering the quality of their own relationships.
- Taking responsibility for the impact of their words or actions on others.
- Learning to empathise with each other’s personal stories.
- Learning to manage and resolve conflict without violence.
- Improving the quality of their relationships with each other.
The Girls Middle School program centred on developing psychological strength and increasing wellbeing. After working with Burn Bright, students showed an increase in overall happiness, felt ownership of their leadership, grew in resilience and had an increase in positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement. The main outcomes for the It’s in Our DNA program are to:
- Build and encourage connections and friendship within year groups to feel a greater sense of belonging.
- Find purpose and identity in the things you enjoy doing or are passionate about.
- Understand that we change and grow and it is okay for your passions to change and grow as well.
- Help to build a sense of identity and capacity to be resilient.
- Appreciate our own strengths, appreciate diversity and celebrate difference.
- Understand and display empathy and selflessness.
- Identify and apply appropriate conflict resolution techniques.
- Recognise that stronger relationships equal stronger performance.
Changes to the Haileybury City Noone Uniform Shop
Haileybury is always looking for ways to evolve teaching and learning spaces for our students and staff. This includes the areas and spaces in which they learn, create and play.
A review has taken place of the use and operation of the ground floor at Haileybury City. As such, the School has decided to repurpose this space for teaching and learning.
Due to this exciting development, it is necessary for the Noone Uniform Shop to be removed from Haileybury City. The store will close its Haileybury City location at the conclusion of Thursday, 28 March, the last day of Term 1.
Until the conclusion of Term 1, the opening hours for the Haileybury City store will be as follows:
Tuesday, 19 March
12.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Wednesday, 20 March
10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Thursday, 21 March
10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Monday, 25 March
10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Tuesday, 26 March
12.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Thursday, 28 March
10.00 am - 2.00 pm
The full suite of Haileybury uniforms will remain available to all families on Noone’s website and at the Noone stores located in Hampton, Beaconsfield and on-campus at Haileybury Keysborough. Noone will provide a weekly delivery service to the Haileybury City Reception for all Haileybury City online orders, for convenient customer collection. Award blazers can be submitted to the Hampton, Beaconsfield and Haileybury Keysborough stores with a free delivery service back to Haileybury City Reception for collection once embroidery has been completed. Alternatively, there will be a blazer collection at the end of each term at the Haileybury City Reception with delivery back to Haileybury City Reception at the start of the following term.
We thank Noone for working with us to continue to provide an accessible service for our Haileybury City families, and look forward to sharing the new and exciting ground floor space with our community when it re-opens later this year.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
We hope that everyone is now in the full swing of Haileybury life and enjoyed the wonderful autumn weather we have recently experienced.
It has been lovely to see many new connections being made around our school. With contact lists now distributed, we do hope that you have had the time to connect with your year level representative and class care givers. It is lovely seeing the new connections being made. Many quick questions around lost/misplaced items of uniform have been sent, resulting in many items being successfully reunited in the last few weeks. If you are not sure who your representative is, please email us and we will put you in contact with your representative.
The HPF City committee wishes to thank all those who attended the Rooftop Party on Friday, 15 March. This is our major community building event and once again it was a fantastic night. It was lovely to catch up with old friends, introduce us to new families and enjoy the fabulous view from our building’s rooftop. We are lucky to have this spot in Melbourne and to enjoy the lovely evening. Thank you to all the HPF members who assisted with setup of the event and greeting people at the door. A special thank you to Caroline Merrick and the team at Haileybury City who assisted on the evening. The behind the scenes work by Gabe and the team is what makes the night so memorable. We will hopefully pop some photos from the night in the next issue of Insight.
A reminder that the second-hand uniform shop is on this week in the ground floor café on Thursday, 21 March from 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm and Friday, 22 March 8.00 am – 9.00 am. This is one of our major fundraisers, which in turn raises money to support the students at Haileybury City.
Feel free to drop off any items for sale during the week. A reminder that the items are generally sold at 50% of the retail price. The contributor will receive 70% of the sale proceeds and HPF City receives 30%. Of course, you can always donate the items, and so HPF City receives 100% of the proceeds. Due to the new POS system now making life a lot easier, payment is generally returned to the parents within four weeks of the item being sold.
We hope that everyone has a lovely Easter break. Take care on the roads and hopefully the Easter Bunny pays you a visit with some yummy treats.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City