Campus News
Haileybury celebrates 131 years
Our School has proudly been in existence for 131 years — longer than all of us! Reminding ourselves of those who went before and acknowledging the challenges they overcame reminds us that enterprise and entrepreneurship are two qualities exhibited by our founders.
At our Junior, Middle and Senior School Assemblies, we looked at some of the history of our School and the success we enjoy due to the contribution and commitment of those who have gone before us.
We explored in depth the founding of the City campus and its growth from 17 students in 2016 to over 700 in 2023. It has been an amazing journey in a very short period of time and we acknowledged the vision and entrepreneurship of our CEO|Principal Derek Scott and the School Council.
This year, we acknowledged our newest campus, Haileybury Pangea, too.
Haileybury continues to go from strength to strength and we couldn’t be prouder to come to Haileybury each day to nurture and develop the character and contribution of our amazing children and young people. The future is in their hands and we are confident that their contributions will be far reaching.

City aims for excellence in 2023
This year, our goal is Excellence in Character and Contribution and I recently spoke about this at our Parent Information Nights. Throughout our School’s history, we have seen great examples of staff and students who have shown excellence in character and contribution. Our School is the privileged beneficiary of their commitment to ensuring that every student and staff member matters every day.
We will continue to challenge our students to think about how they are developing and showing excellence in their character and contribution. I warmly encourage families to use this shared language with their children, too.
Haileybury City hosts Rendall student leaders
It was a delight to host our Year 12 student leaders from Darwin. Haileybury Rendall School students are always amazed at our vertical campus and they certainly made the most of exploring every space and experience.
Early Learning Centre
Connections in the ELC
A sense of belonging is fostered by the connections children make with each other, their educators and their environment.
This term introduces our Buddy Program with Pre-Prep children building connections with their Year 3 Junior School peers. Next year those Junior School friends will be our Year 4 leaders and so they will be a well-known and welcoming face for the 2024 Prep students.
Families will receive information about upcoming Buddy sessions that take place throughout the year.
Programs throughout the School also provide opportunities for some of our oldest students to connect with our youngest. For a number of years, the ELC has thoroughly enjoyed the early morning visits from Haileybury City Senior School students who are undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
We congratulate Kausalya Gautaman (Year 12), who has been volunteering within the ELC for over a year now and who has been appointed as Haileybury’s ambassador for this prestigious award.
Junior School
A revamped play space brings smiles
Haileybury City Junior School has recently transformed its Level 3 play space to create a more dynamic and versatile area for students to play in and explore. The revamped play space is designed with different zones for physical, creative and imaginative play.
It has been wonderful to see students using the space in new ways, discovering untapped abilities and making the most of this new resource.
From little seeds grow mighty trees
Haileybury City’s Junior School aims to foster a culture of learning centred around ownership of choices and character development. This approach to how students care, learn and play strengthens each student’s individual contributions to the School community and prepares them for success in the future.
At City, our Junior School students understand that our actions and choices have an impact and that bold thinking hatches BIG ideas. With this message, we show them that from little seeds, grow mighty trees. We look forward to supporting all our students to learn and grow as individuals.
- Students dropped off at the King Street entrance and basement carpark in the morning must walk up to Level 3 without Mum or Dad. This is an important part of building independence and establishing a routine.
- Please ensure your child wears their full PE uniform on days their PE class is timetabled.
- Before School and After School Clubs are back in action for Term 1. Please refer to the myHaileybury app to find out more.
Middle School
HIIT is back!
Level 1 is buzzing on Thursday mornings because High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has returned for 2023. It has been wonderful to have so many students from all year levels of Middle School start their day with a fun, high energy fitness workout.
Students participate in activities including plank challenges, battle rope exercises, agility ladder drills, boxing and medicine ball slams. The HIIT sessions allow Middle School students to connect with their peers while improving their health.
All Middle School students are encouraged to attend each Thursday morning. No registration is required — simply meet staff on the Ground Floor ready to workout at 7.30 am.
Friendships and social connections
In Term 1, as part of the Thrive program, Year 6 students attended a BELONG workshop by Project Rockit about the importance of kindness, respect and empathy when engaging with their peers.
Students took part in activities, role play and discussions to learn how to foster healthy social relationships. The workshop focused on how to positively change mindsets and equip students with tools that support Haileybury’s Respectful Relationship pillars.

Typing Club challenge
There has been a fantastic response to the Middle School Typing Club Competition that began in Term 1 and finishes on Friday, 31 March at the end of Week 9. We are challenging our students to build their typing speed and accuracy with individual and class prizes awarded throughout the competition. The Homeroom that earns the most points will receive a pizza lunch.
Haileybury acknowledges that typing is a vital digital skill and we ask families to encourage their child to use Typing Club at home. Thank you for supporting this important program.

Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
An exciting start
I hope everyone has started to settle into their new routines and is enjoying the new experiences that Haileybury City has to offer in 2023.
It was great to kick off the year with our first HPFC Social Rep meeting, to see a few new faces in the Rep team and to start to work on events for the year. One of these is the Welcome Morning Tea held on the Inside Outside Courts on Tuesday, 14 February.
Thank you to everyone who came on Valentine’s day to share a cuppa and some Valentine’s Day themed treats. A special thank you to the Social Reps who managed the tables and made the new families feel welcome. A great morning was had by all.
This event was a great way to kick off the year and remind us of the importance of having a welcoming School community and the new connections we can make through our wonderful School. Thank you to the Haileybury City Executive Team and staff for making the event possible.
We are excitedly looking forward to our next event — the Haileybury Rooftop Party on Friday, 17 March from 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm. It will be held on our beautiful rooftop with the Flagstaff Gardens providing a magnificent background. Booking will be through the TryBooking link which will be forwarded to you via the myHaileybury app. Keep your eyes on the myHaileybury app for details.
It was also lovely to see new and existing families attending the Parent Information Evenings for the Junior and Middle school on Friday, 3 February. Meeting our children’s new teachers and understanding homework requirements and camp details are important details for the Haileybury community. It was great to personally meet a few new families and to welcome them to our School.
With Saturday morning sport under way, we hope everyone has a lovely time travelling to the new venues and meeting new Haileybury faces from other campuses. This is a great time to make connections and to go outside our City comfort zone.
Have a wonderful few weeks ahead.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City