Campus News
Visitors from Victoria
As part of the the Victorian Government’s Education Mission to China, Haileybury recently hosted a delegation from Study Melbourne.
The delegation was led by the Hon John Brumby AO, Chair of Victoria’s International Education Advisory Council and Chancellor of La Trobe University, and Caroline Hartnett who is Acting Director International Education and Study Melbourne. Visitors also included members from the higher education sector and government education and training organisations.

Our CEO | Principal, Derek Scott, hosted a round table discussion on topics including international education, student exchange, teaching research, and strengthening the education collaboration with Haileybury Tianjin. Our Executive Principal, Andrew McAree, gave a presentation highlighting the achievements of our School over the last 10 years.

Cross-country Science collaboration
It was wonderful to see Louise Elleston from Haileybury City Campus and Barbara Zhu from Haileybury Tianjin, both Year 3 Science teachers, embarking on an exciting collaboration between their Junior Schools.
During Barbara’s recent Haileybury Melbourne training, the two teachers shared ideas for engaging their students in Year 3 Science, and how to align their lesson plans to make the most of the collaboration. It was great to see students from Haileybury China and Haileybury Melbourne engaging in some scientific conversation.

Business Simulation Competition
Recently, Haileybury Tianjin had the honour of hosting 200 students in the regional round of the famous ASDAN Business Simulation Competition. Over a two-day weekend, approximately 25 teams from all over China entered the competition at Haileybury.
The ASDAN competition is based on professional simulated business IT systems and consists of three sessions: five rounds of operations, two rounds of project presentations and an auction trading. The team that produces the most profit is announced as the winner. The competition gave all students a wonderful experience. They have learned about unity and cooperation, communication and negotiation, and they have gained a better understanding of the significance of hard work. Congratulations to the three Haileybury teams that won a silver and two bronze awards, and we wish them luck as they compete in the finals early next year.

Yanni Galanis
International Principal, Haileybury International School, Tianjin