Campus News
We Are Back
After a couple of weeks of staggered, part-time onsite schooling, all our students are now back on campus daily. It has been wonderful to see our younger students farewelling parents at the gate before confidently entering the school grounds carrying their own bags.
Our older students in Years 7 and 8 have had time for Sport and socialising, but have been impressive in their focus and preparation for their current exam period.
Remembrance Day 2021
On Thursday, 11 November, our Remembrance Day acknowledgment will see students across the School participating in an outdoor setting. The Castlefield community marks Remembrance Day in memory of those who have died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
Our staff and students will observe a minute’s silence and then students from Prep and Year 8 will place a cross in the ground to honour the young Haileyburians who served and lost their lives.
Well Done Year 8 Graduates
On Friday, 12 November, we will graduate the Year 8 class of 2021. We are proud of the students and their achievements, particularly their successes in overcoming the challenges of this year. We wish them every success as they begin their time in Pre-Senior from Monday, 15 November.
Looking Forward to Up Day
Please note that Up Day—the 2021 Orientation Day—has been moved to Friday, 3 December for our current Prep to Year 6 students.
Students can pack away their school uniform for the day and attend in casual sport clothes with runners. They spend the day in their year level for 2022, meet their teachers, visit homerooms and can say hello to their new classmates in preparation for next year.
Early Learning Centre
All Together Again
It is wonderful to have our ELC students back together and onsite again. There have been many joyous moments as children reconnect with friends, educators and rediscover their classrooms and learning spaces.
This is what some of our students had to say about being back:
“Lockdown’s over, everyone is back at school.”
“I’m happy because we are all back.”
“It feels very good because I love everyone so much.”
“Because we get to play and learn together.”
Keeping an Eye on our Feathered Friends
We have been keeping an eye on the tawny frogmouths who took up residence close to the School. Last term, the two birds had made a home together in a tree near Villeroy St. This term, we find them nesting in the peppercorn tree in the Junior School playground.
It is tricky to see them as they are well camouflaged, but with perseverance you can spot them nestled among the branches and leaves.
Our children have shown keen interest in other local birds, too. They’ve been watching live footage of the falcons at 367 Collins St in the city and they’ve enjoyed the Aussie Backyard Bird Count during National Bird Week. Our Pre-Preps are planting a bird garden to attract more birds to their outdoor environment, too.

The ELC has some resident stick insects and recently the children have been observing the life cycle of silkworms, too. The children are encouraged to look closely at the natural world around them and to wonder, question, discover, interpret and show their respect for the creatures we share this land with.
Junior School
Fun New Additions in the Junior School
The great new rope climbing playground has been put to good use as the students returned to campus. Olivia loved testing her skills in getting all the way to the top!
Along with a new playground, we also have a new classmate.
Meet Utah! He belongs to Jodie McInnes and is a five-month-old golden retriever. Just like his surf-loving namesake, Johnny Utah, he is loyal and loves the water! Utah is in training with Therapy Animals Australia to become our dog in school. He will be on hand to accept pats and to work with children in their classrooms.
Slip, Slop, Slap
As the weather warms up, please remember our ‘No hat, no play’ policy for Terms 4 and 1. Haileybury black bucket-style or broad-brimmed hats must be worn during recess, lunch and Physical Education classes.
Please put roll-on sunscreen in your child’s bag too so they can reapply during the day and water bottles are also essential. Due to government restrictions, bubbler taps are still locked off, however, children can access taps to refill their water bottle.
Blazers are not required with the Junior School summer uniform—they can be left in the cupboard until Term 2. A reminder to name all items too, please. At the end of each term, the lost property chests are full to overflowing with unnamed hats, jumpers and lunchboxes!
ELC Pre-Preps Come for a Visit
While we’re yet to welcome our new external 2022 Preps onsite, our ELC students have begun their transition to Prep. During a busy day they were introduced to our tawny frogmouth birds in East Quad and they spent some time in the Prep classrooms.
Working on their fine motor skills, they tore paper and then used the pieces to create a little chick to take home. We look forward to welcoming all the children joining us from other kinders and ELCs as soon as restrictions allow.

Middle School
We are Back with Wildlife, Too
In the many weeks that our students have been remote learning, our beautiful school grounds have become a little like a wildlife park. Tawny frogmouths now preside over Junior School, a growing family of swallows has taken up residence in Girls Middle School and a flock of ducks regularly bathe on the ovals and use the driveway as their personal runway.
However, our avian friends have learned quickly that they must share the space once more as our eager students filter back through the gates to face-to-face learning and long-awaited reunions.
It has been a delight to see our classrooms and grounds buzzing with energy. Our students are reconnecting with friends and teachers and our young community is again demonstrating a commitment to their learning and their unwavering resilience in the face of lockdowns.
Striking a Balance
As Year 7 and 8 students complete their exams we continue to reinforce the importance of positive study habits, consolidating knowledge and skills through the exam process and using feedback to reflect on their learning and experience.
This is also the time to balance good sleep habits, stay hydrated and to enjoy some much-needed sunshine. We wish students all the best as they embark on the next few weeks.
A wonderful Term 4 awaits us all and we look forward to the weeks ahead with students back on campus.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
It’s wonderful to see some of the restrictions on movement easing and the return of students to school grounds. As we rapidly approach the next restrictions milestone, HPFC will be able to resume in-person activities. We are looking forward to hosting in-person events shortly.
Secondhand Uniform Shop
We are happy to advise that the Secondhand Uniform Shop has reopened.
Under current government restrictions, parents are not permitted to come onsite. Instead, we ask that you please come to the Rouen Street gate and contact Mark Newby to place your order, pay for and collect your uniforms.
Opening Hours:
Mondays 8.15 – 9.15 am
Wednesdays 8.15 – 9.15 am
Thursdays 2.00 – 4.00 pm
Mark Newby
Phone: 0458 084 103
Ian Green
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield