Campus News
Christmas Tree
It is breath-taking to see so many contributions under our Christmas tree in the Administration foyer. I thank families for their generosity. There are still a few days left for donations to be accepted ready for distribution to Anglicare prior to Christmas Day.
Young Ambassador at the Shrine of Remembrance
William (Year 8) has been accepted as a Young Ambassador at the Shrine of Remembrance for 2024. With his keen interest in World War II, general war and aviation history, William has been a member of the Winjeels student group at Moorabbin Air Museum since 2021.
On the eve of UNICEF’s World Children’s Day, with two Young Ambassador 2023 students, William laid a wreath during the weekly Last Post ceremony. This service includes bugle calls and piper, the Shrine Guard in historic uniform, the recital of the Ode and lowering of the flags.
We congratulate William on his appointment and wish him all the best in this prestigious role in 2024.

Term 1, 2024
We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday, 29 January. Further details will be sent during the holidays regarding arrangements. We ask that students arrive by 8.25 am on this day and bring all items from their booklists.
End of 2023
2023 has been a fantastic year at Castlefield. I thank our outstanding students for their dedication to their learning and for their connectedness across the School. They have ensured that this year will be remembered richly in Haileybury’s history.
I thank our parents for their continued support and involvement, and our staff for the exceptional passion and care they devote to our students each and every day.
Please enjoy the festive season and have a safe and pleasant holiday break with your family. I look forward to our continued association in 2024.
Traffic and parking reminder
A reminder for families that South Road is the preferred pick-up and drop-off location for students in Junior and Middle Schools and the roundabout is an efficient way to collect your child. Staff are on duty before and after school to help children remain safe within our grounds.
For Senior School students, South Road is the only drop-off and pick-up area for parents who drive their child to school. We encourage older students to walk, ride or take public transport, rather than being driven to school. The PTV planner can be found here.
Early Learning Centre
Tea towels for sale!
Thank you for supporting our ELC community. How wonderful it was to see the children become shopkeepers and confidently encouraging families to buy, serving their customers and keeping note of how many tea towels were sold. It was a record sale and lots of fun too!
Your child's Learning Journal
During your child’s class party this week you will receive your child’s Learning Journal. This is a celebration of your child’s achievements throughout the year and evidence of all the beautiful learning that has occurred.
The journals have taken considerable time and effort to put together by the teaching teams and represent our commitment to your child’s learning, development and wellbeing. Not only are these a lovely keepsake, they also act as a report to share with your family and future educators.
It is very special that the children can relate to the Learning Journals and talk through their own learning and demonstrate their connection and sense of belonging to the ELC. We trust you will enjoy sharing this book with your child and revisiting fond memories throughout the year.
Thank you all for your time and contributions to our ELC over the year. We have had a very special year with you all and look forward to seeing you at your child’s class party and Learning Journal celebration at 1.00 pm.
Junior School
TwistED Science
With the key concepts of change and cause being explored in their Inquiry unit this term, the Year 1 students headed to TwistED Science for their excursion.
‘We loved making the big bubbles and creating our own “Cloud in a Jar” experiment.’ - Mia and Matisse
‘My highlight was going into the massive part of TwistED Science and exploring the pictures in the lab.’ - Thomas
‘My favourite was the blue air blower with the ball because I got a goal’ - Alfred
‘I loved the photo shoot and blowing bubbles. I got to make a ginormous bubble that I could fit my whole head in.’ - Nina
The process of moving to the next stage of schooling is a big deal! At Haileybury, we ensure each step is considered and well planned. ELC Pre-Prep children visit the Junior School in formal transition sessions and incidentally throughout the week.
As they move through East Quad on the way to the library, they may be stopped by staff or students, or have a quick play in the playground. All these experiences help them feel comfortable in their new spaces.
Similarly, our Year 4 students spend time in their respective Middle Schools, whether for an assembly or a Q&A session. They too can get excited about the next step as they know a little bit more about what’s to come.
It's time to play
Year 4 House leaders ran their final Junior School assembly for the year with a focus on play. As the third element in our ‘Care, Learn, Play’ motto, they encouraged all children to play with respect and kindness, and to show fairness when making up game rules.
House Leaders have helped our students to be great players across the year by leading recess and lunchtime clubs and being role models for our junior students.
Middle School
A hive of activity
As the year draws to a close, Castlefield is a hive of activity with numerous events that celebrate, acknowledge and allow our students to be involved in new experiences. At Castlefield Speech Night on Friday, 1 December, we were able to reflect, acknowledge and celebrate the year that was in Middle School, with students coming together to foster the community spirit and connections at Castlefield.
Our uniform is a very important part of our School and the way in which our students present each day. With the holidays coming up and students growing, please ensure your child has appropriate school shoes ready to begin Term 1 next year.
Middle School students are required to wear black leather shoes — either school lace-up shoes, business shoes or T-bars. Runners are not permitted.
Also, a reminder that students must wear their blazer home with their school uniform, or their sports jacket home with their sports uniform, unless they are advised this is not required on the day due to weather conditions.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Happy holidays
On behalf of the Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who generously donated their time to support the HPFC this year. Your contributions have made a significant impact, and we are truly thankful.
As the year draws to a close, please be aware that the SHUS will be closed until the start of Term 1. We look forward to reconnecting with familiar faces and welcoming new volunteers in the coming year.
Wishing each and every one of you a joyous and rejuvenating summer holiday. May it be filled with relaxation, laughter and cherished moments with loved ones. We can’t wait to see you again in the upcoming year.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield