Campus News
Remembrance Day
On Friday, 10 November, our Remembrance Day acknowledgement in memory of those who have fought in armed conflicts will be held on North Oval. The community is welcome to join us as we observe a minute’s silence. Students from Prep and Year 8 will then place a cross into the ground for the young Haileyburians who served and lost their lives over 100 years ago.
Year 8 Graduation
On Thursday, 9 November we will graduate the Year 8 cohort of 2023. We are proud of the students and their achievements, and we look forward to celebrating the end of their time in Middle School. Justin Main, Head of Senior School (Brighton) will welcome our wonderful students into the area of the School that will be home for their final four years at Haileybury.
Here comes Term 1A
After completing Semester 2 exams and our Year 8 students graduating from Middle School, Term 1A begins for Years 7 and 8 students on Monday, 13 November. We wish our Year 8 students every success as they commence their time in Pre-Senior. For our Year 7 students, this is the start of their final year of Middle School as they become the leaders of Castlefield. The leadership process is under way, and we look forward to announcing our 2024 captains in coming weeks.
Up Day
Please note that the 2023 Orientation Day (Up Day) is scheduled for Tuesday, 21 November for our current Prep to Year 6 students. Students may wear casual sports clothes with runners. Students spend the day in their 2024 year level meeting teachers, visiting homerooms and being introduced to their new classmates in preparation for next year. It is a day of excitement and nerves, but always fun!
Traffic and parking reminder
Just a reminder for families that South Road is the preferred pick-up and drop-off location for students in Junior and Middle Schools and the roundabout is an efficient way to collect your child.
Staff are on duty before and after school to help children remain safe within our grounds.
For Senior School students, South Road is the only drop-off and pick-up area for parents who drive their child to school. We encourage older students to walk, ride or take public transport rather than being driven to school.
We are committed to keeping our students and community members safe in and around our School and thank our families for their support. Bayside Council have also provided the attached document to help raise awareness of safety around our Schools.
Early Learning Centre
Telling the story of where we live, learn and play
The ELC welcomed Steve Parker, a Boonwurrung artist, who worked with all the children to create a collaborative art piece that includes Bundjil and Gawarn (echidna), Gurborra (koala), Walert (possum), and Wareeny (wombat).
Each child contributed to the beautiful work with their handprints. The artwork tells the story of the land we live, learn and play on — Boonwurrung Country. The completed art has been displayed in the Pre-Prep playground and we encourage you to look when you are next in the ELC.
Taking 3 for the Sea
Pre-Preps recently took part in an incursion with Take 3 for the Sea, whose mission is to inspire people to take simple steps to reduce the impacts of plastic pollution and waste in the ocean. The visit reinforced prior learning about showing care and respect for the ocean and its inhabitants by reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in drains and rivers through littering.
Take 3 for the Sea encourages everyone to pick up three pieces of rubbish whenever they visit the beach. Our upcoming excursion to Ricketts Point in a few weeks will be a perfect opportunity to revisit these ideas. Next time you are at the beach please Take 3 for the Sea!
Junior School
Back to Brighton
Our Year 12 graduating class were Preps in 2011 and their Prep teachers are still teaching with us! Luci Hill, Tracey Jacob, Jo Silverman and Jodie McInnes were particularly excited to see the little ones they once taught return to Brighton as young adults. As part of this tradition, Junior School students make ties for the Year 12 students and present them in East Quad. A very special moment was captured between sisters, Stephanie and Alessia, as this memento was handed over this year.

Grandparents’ Day
We had a gorgeous morning in the Junior School with our visiting grandparents and special friends. There was bookmark making in the library, portrait drawing, games to play and much more. Families wandered in the sunshine enjoying morning tea and time together. Family connections are so important and the gleam in the eye of the children and their visitors was something special.
Middle School
Seeing the future
On Friday, 13 October Castlefield saw its past students — the current Year 12s — come back to Brighton one last time for a final assembly at their home campus. As the Year 12s stepped back through the gates, the memories of ELC, Junior and Middle Years flooded back. They reminisced about camps, musicals, favourite teachers, funny memories and the campus in which they did so much ‘growing up’.
The students donned ties handmade by Junior school students, opened time capsules and listened to their peers and past teachers at a very special assembly. It was a chance for our Middle School students to glimpse their future.
All the best for exam season
We wish our Years 7 and 8 students all the best as they complete their exams in the coming weeks. Preparation is key and students can attend Help Desk sessions to seek feedback and clarification on what they have been learning. Exams are part of our Teaching and Learning programs and ensure students are familiar with sitting exams under test conditions. They can also assess themselves on their understanding and complete the learning cycle with feedback for improvement.
Remember to be SunSmart
As a SunSmart school, all students are required to wear a hat during recess, lunchtimes, sport training and PE. Please ensure your child’s hat is labelled with their name and that they have this at school every day. Mobile phones, if brought to school, must be secured in their locker for the day. If you need to get a message to your child, please go through Reception or the Homeroom Teacher.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Junior School Disco thanks
A heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful individuals who dedicated their time and effort to ensure the Junior School Disco was a resounding success. Your hard work in assisting with decorating, packing up and supervision truly made a difference and made a memorable event for our students.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
As we enter the warmer months, remember to stop by the Second-hand Uniform Shop for all your uniform requirements. The opening hours are:
Wednesdays: 8.15 am – 10 .15 am
Thursdays: 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield