Campus News
Strong start to Term 3
Term 3 has commenced with much excitement and focus. After three weeks away, and experiencing both warmer climates and snow escapades, we have welcomed back our students to a wonderful term of learning. The focus on how we learn and the importance of being ready, prepared, engaged and reflective has been revisited for the start of Term 3 and the final semester of 2023.
Our Junior School Semester 2 Leaders have been inducted and our Middle School students have been acknowledged for their academic attainment in Semester 1. Year 7 students headed off to Camp Jungai for their outdoor education experience and our Years 5 and 6 students put on their dancing shoes at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Through the Ages Disco. Our Prep students also celebrated attending school for 100 days this year.
So many celebrations of school life have occurred already in the first three weeks. We look forward to an exciting term and to STEM Week, Book Week, Father’s Day celebrations and the Middle School Musical, Moana Jr, on 6, 7 and 8 September. Tickets are on sale this week!
Parent–Teacher Interviews
Our Parent–Teacher Interviews are being held for ELC to Year 8 parents on Monday, 21 August and Wednesday, 23 August. These will be held via Zoom and we ask that parents make a note of the dates and ensure they find a spot with minimal disruptions for the interview. Bookings will open the week before the interviews via myHaileybury. We look forward to discussing your child and their progress and continuing the partnership between home and school.
Traffic and parking reminder
South Road is the preferred pick up and drop off location for students in Junior and Middle School, with the roundabout being an efficient way to collect your child. Staff are on duty before and after school to help children remain safe within our school gates.
For Senior School students, South Road is the only drop off and pick up area for parents who are driving their child to school. We encourage our older students to walk, ride or choose public transport as an alternative to being driven to school each day.
Early Learning Centre
Environmental learning
We have been out and about, noticing all the beautiful seasonal changes that are part of Beerreen (winter). Children have been intrigued by worms as they learn all about the amazing job these creatures do to help our gardens flourish and to reduce our waste. Songs, stories and puppets have been used to grow the children’s understanding.
The worms love our compost bin in the ELC!

After engaging in the Yam Daisy story, the children have been busy creating an indigenous garden filled with yam daisies (Murnong plant). Yams were plentiful in this area prior to colonisation, and they provided a staple diet for the Boonwurrung people. Cows and sheep trampled the plants and enjoyed them as a delicacy, virtually eradicating the plants locally. The ELC will care for this garden and watch the planted seeds grow over time. Hopefully, we will be able to roast our own yams on the fire!
Embedding Child Safe Standards
As we focus on Child Safe Standard 3, we implement strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children. It’s important for us as a community to encourage children to speak up and for adults to listen if any child feels unsafe or uncomfortable. This poster may support young children to speak up and discuss their thoughts and feelings.

Junior School
Congratulations to our Semester 2 House Leaders who were inducted into their roles at the beginning of the term. Leader-run recess and lunchtime clubs are back, and we thank the leaders for their service to our school.

Back into routine
It’s great to see our Junior School students return from the holiday break and get straight back into their learning. Establishing a routine for school is crucial for young students as it fosters a sense of stability and predictability and reduces feelings of stress.
A consistent schedule helps them develop good time management skills, promoting a healthy balance between academic tasks and leisure activities. How does your child organise their homework routine? Who prepares their uniform and bag ready for the morning?
Yard duty commences at 8.10 am each morning. Please do not drop children to school before this time unless they are accompanied by an adult, or unless they are arriving for a music lesson.
Please remember that Junior School students can only be collected after school in one of three ways:
- From their classroom
- Via the roundabout
- At The Meeting Place by an adult or Middle School sibling
Junior School students are not permitted to leave the school grounds by themselves. They must always be accompanied by a teacher.
Prep highlights
As our Preps arrived at their 100th day of school, it was a nice time to reflect on some of their favourite moments of the year so far.
- ‘Playing with my friends on the equipment in East Quad.’ - Aryan
- ‘I loved visiting the classrooms with my mum for Mothers’ Day.’ - Nora
- ‘Doing maths is my favourite, I love doing graphs.’ - Maya
- ‘The teachers are so fun!’ - Lachlan
- ‘I love doing my weekend recount each week.’ - Eloise
- ‘I’ve become really great at handwriting.’ - Frankie
- ‘All my teachers help me learn stuff.’ - Rhea
- ‘I get to do hard stuff in maths and having my teacher.’ - Henry
- ‘I liked learning about the time.’ - Stella
Middle School
Fresh eyes
We’ve had a positive and energetic return to Term 3 after a well-deserved break for our students, staff, families and the whole community.
We start Semester 2 with a fresh set of eyes, an understanding of the School’s expectations and with a growth mindset that supports our students to ask the question ‘where to next?’ This semester is about exhibiting work ethic, effort and behaviours that emulate the next year level that is within arm’s reach.
Term 3 offers a range of experiences and new opportunities including STEM Week, Book Week, the School Musical Moana Jr, and chances to hone new and existing skills, to take up new challenges and to get involved in the vibrant Middle School life.
Moana Jr takes shape
The campus is abuzz with Moana Jr rehearsals as we work towards an exciting and impressive stage musical. Our talented young cast was delighted to see the set coming to life and now enter the stage of refining songs, dances and quality acting.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Setting the stage for an exciting Term 3
After a fantastic mid-year break, our school community is recharged and ready to take on Term 3. The Years 5 and 6 disco was a hit, thanks to the help of Year 8 students and teachers. Upcoming events include the Father’s Day Stall on Wednesday, 30 and Thursday, 31 August, along with a special Father’s Day celebration.
Remember that the Second-Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is your go-to for all uniform needs.
Haileybury Hearts Netball Club
Team trials for the Haileybury Hearts Netball Club 2024 season will be held on Sunday 27 August, 2023. All players both current and new who want to play for the Hearts winter 2024 season should attend. See details and registration links below.
Players in Grades 4 and 5 in 2024 (under 11)
Players in Grade 6 and Year 7 in 2024 (under 13s)
Players in Year 8 and above in 2024 (under 15s & under 18s)
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield