Campus News
Connecting at Castlefield
Connection is an important focus for Castlefield. We want our students to feel safe in their environment and to have friends and someone they can talk to, sit next to and play with. We also aim to create opportunities for families to make life-long friendships so they can organise playdates for their children and know who has children in the same sport team or after-school activity so they can perhaps carpool.
The health benefits associated with social connections were highlighted to me recently and include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy and a stronger immune system. So not only are we creating a safe and happy community, together we are stronger and healthier.
Recently, we enjoyed numerous opportunities to connect, with our Founders Day Cocktail Party, International Women’s Day Breakfast and Assembly, Years 7 and 8 House Athletics, Clean Up Castlefield Day, our Sea of Hands activation, and our Prep and Years 5 and 7 HPFC Parent Evenings.
Traffic and Parking
We have an efficient roundabout system within our gates and encourage parents to utilise the South Road entrance for drop-off and pick-up.
We thank families for being considerate of the parking signs in the surrounding streets and for being respectful of neighbouring properties. The safety of our students is paramount and when they are unable to be picked up at the kerb because cars are parked, it can be dangerous.
An article on Bayside City Council website states: Short-term parking only works effectively if parents drop off or pick up their children and move on. If you want to park and go into school grounds, please use alternative parking spaces so others can use the short-term parking spaces during peak times.
You can find the article here.
Early Learning Centre
I can do it!
As your child grows and develops, one of the most important skills they learn is independence. Encouraging independence in the early years can have significant impacts on a child’s success and wellbeing.
One way we foster self-help skills is by the children unpacking their belongings and organising themselves before coming together as a whole group, ready to learn. The children are very proud when they do this by themselves, and they feel empowered. Thank you for your support and for supporting their independence at home, too.
Partnerships with families
We look forward to supporting families and carers by providing opportunities to meet different Early Childhood professionals and discuss current issues, child development and parenting.
On Tuesday, 28 March at 9.30 am, paediatrician, Dr Sarah Arachchi, will share toilet training tips, sleep support and advice about how to manage fussy eaters and challenging behaviours in the early years. There will be time for questions and answers, too. Please RSVP and join in.
Floral Friday
Every Friday in the Torres Strait Islands people wear floral, and we decided to do the same as a fun way to learn about Torres Strait Islander culture and ways of life. The children wore a touch of floral, danced to island music and sang songs.
Junior School
Care Learn Play
Junior School students are asked to be the best carers, learners and players they can be! These three words underpin our culture of learning and respect. We care for ourselves, each other and our environment by thinking about our thoughts and feelings and looking out for how other people may be feeling, too. We make sure our classrooms and play areas are spaces where everyone belongs. In the classroom, we respect our learning and ensure we are prepared, ready and engaged for each lesson. When we play, we do so fairly and cooperatively.

A smooth transition
The beauty of moving through Haileybury is the ease of transition. Whether it’s ELC to Junior School or Junior School to Middle School, students reflect backwards and forwards on their time at school.
Recently, our Year 4 girls attended a Girls Middle School Assembly. They loved feeling connected to the older girls and listening to the topics that were discussed.
Jasmine: “I really liked hearing the story from Ms Munro about the Year 8 camp.”
Madi: “The music performances by the girls were amazing.”
Zara: “I loved singing the song from Moana with everyone.”
Zoe: “The whole room felt really kind and happy.”
Isabella: “The speeches were really meaningful, and I liked seeing my sister up on stage!”
Lulu: “I loved the message that it doesn’t matter what gender you are, you can do anything!”

Middle School
International Women’s Day at Brighton
Castlefield Middle School and Brighton Senior School celebrated International Women’s Day on Wednesday, 8 March with a breakfast. It was wonderful to host this event with more than 300 parents, staff, special friends and students.
The morning was a huge success with outstanding speeches from our Head of Campus, Katrina Manson, Kayla Johnstone (Year 10) and Middle School Girls Captain, Julia Zaitseva, who shared their views on what International Women’s Day means to them and their thoughts on the 2023 theme of embracing equity.
Following these amazing young women, the crowd was treated to performances from Grade 2 student, Cameron Curley and Grade 6 student, Zoe Ryan, who sang This Is Me from The Greatest Showman and Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA. The morning was a wonderful celebration and connected our community.
The acknowledgement of IWD continued at our Middle School Assembly as the Girls Middle School showcased their music talents, inspirational speeches and an impressive panel featuring Head of Campus, Katrina Manson, teacher, Jan Munro, and Year 7 student, Yi Ning Xu.
The panel shared their thoughts on what International Women’s Day meant to them and their views on striving towards a more equitable future. We thank our whole school community for joining in this event. The future looks bright!
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Great to see you
It was great to see parents at the Prep, Year 5 and Year 7 intake events and to see the Years 7 and 8 athletics during the week. There are a few events coming up soon, including Movie Night on Friday, 28 April. Keep an eye out for Mother’s Day Lunch tickets going on sale, too. Finally, please remember the Second-Hand Uniform Shop for all your uniform needs.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield