Campus News
International Women’s Day celebrations
We look forward to celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) with parents and special guests, hosted by our Girls Middle School and Senior School on Wednesday, 8 March at 7.30 am. The Middle School students will also recognise IWD with an assembly and activities on Thursday, 9 March.
Getting ready for NAPLAN
Our Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students are preparing for the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).
NAPLAN is a national program with students in these year levels completing assessments in reading, writing, language conventions — spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. These assessments are held online and will take place from Wednesday, 15 March until Friday, 17 March.
Further information about NAPLAN can be found here.
A parking reminder please
A reminder that the two-minute zones at Villeroy Street and South Road are drop-off/pick-up only and parents are to remain in their car. The roundabout, accessed via South Road, is an efficient way to drop off and pick up your child.
Clean up Australia Day
On Sunday, 5 March, Clean Up Australia Day was held across the nation. At Castlefield, students from ELC through to Year 8 participated in ‘Clean Up Castlefield Day’ on Friday, 3 March. Students scoured the grounds to collect every piece of paper, plastic and rubbish to take practical action to improve our environment. Much discussion was had about our everyday habits, littering, recycling, composting and the changes we can make to help create sustainable differences.
Early Learning Centre
Literacy in action
The Pre-Prep classes have recently started their literacy program and with help from Milo the Monkey, they have discussed letters and their corresponding sounds. The children also learnt that Milo the monkey is having a birthday party and throughout the year they will meet new friends who will be going to Milo’s party.

Our literacy program is a multi-sensory program involving songs, actions and games. By making learning fun and interactive, the children stay engaged and motivated, and this naturally develops their literacy skills.

Recycle superheroes
The ELC children have been learning about caring for Mother Earth. During their Environmental Learning time, they have participated in discussions and games about landfill, recycling and composting.
The Recycle Superhero sprinkled some recycling magic on the children as they were reminded about which bins to use for paper, plastic and food scraps. Families are encouraged to be recycle superheroes too and to bring in items from home to prevent these going to landfill.

In the ELC, we have collection areas for:
- Colgate recycling: old toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and floss containers
- Bread Tags for Wheelchairs: plastic bread tags
- Old markers and pens
- Compost: if you don’t have a compost bin at home you are welcome to bring your fruit and vegetable scraps and add them to the compost bin in the Pre-Prep yard
- Small cardboard boxes
- Bottle lids.
We appreciate your help to reduce landfill at school and at home.
Junior School
It’s going swimmingly!
Years 2–4 students started their swimming program which takes place in one of their PE lessons each week . The focus of each lesson is on building stroke technique, stamina and water safety.

“I’ve loved learning to use the pool buoy to perfect my arm style.”Genevieve
“It’s been great to be able to swim in the hot weather.””Hugo
“I think swimming is one of the best things to do in school, it lets me feel free and gives me a break from the classroom.”Lachlan W
“I’ve learnt the technique for backstroke and how to tread water.”Mila
Bayside Connection
Vittoria Dell’Atte, Deputy Head of Junior School, has developed a Social Justice program with Bayside Council called Bayside Connections. Twice a term, a Year 4 class visits Hampton Community Centre to chat and play games with volunteers from Bayside Council. This is an awesome opportunity for different generations to connect and work with each other.
On a beautiful sunny afternoon, as a part of the program, 4A headed down Hampton Street to engage in origami, ‘would you rather …’ games and collaborative drawing.

Middle School
Camping in Canberra
Our Year 6 students have thoroughly enjoyed their camps in Canberra. Camps are a time to create new friendships, foster existing ones, work through challenges together and to see peers and teachers in a different environment. What better place to do all this than Parliament House and the Australian Institute of Sport?
In Middle School we value the lessons that are learned from being outside your comfort zone. Camps are all about stepping outside your comfort zone and seeing where that takes you.

Take the lead
Middle School provides great opportunities for leadership, and we encourage all students to lead and advocate for their school community throughout the year. Our Years 5, 7 and 8 Homeroom Captains were inducted during our Middle School Assembly and our Year 6 leaders were inducted on their return from camp.
Our leaders represent our student body and meet with staff to implement the vision and expectation of the School.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”John Maxwell

Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
It was great to see lots of people at the Welcome BBQ. The weather turned our way and we had a great time.
The intake year Parent Nights are happening in March. Please visit the myHaileybury app for more information and to purchase your tickets.
Prep Parent Night will be on Tuesday, 7 March and it will be on Wednesday, 8 March for Year 5 and Year 7 parents. These evenings are for existing and new parents.
Luna Park fun for all
Our Luna Park event is fast approaching. All students and parents from all campuses are invited to attend on Wednesday, 29 March from 5.00 pm – 8.00 pm.
Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible here.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield