Campus News
Off to a brilliant start
Our 2023 school year began brilliantly. Day one saw our parents and students enter the school grounds with smiles of excitement and nervousness. Now, just over a week later, the students are still smiling and they have settled into the routines and rigour of our academic program.
Information sessions
Information sessions have been conducted across the schools, giving our parents the opportunity to meet the Heads of School and Homeroom Teachers. Many questions were asked and answered. We appreciate the partnership we have with our families and these will continue to grow and develop across the journey of each child at Castlefield.
Knowing your child
Our Parent-Teacher Interviews and conversations between the Homeroom Teacher and parents have given us a further opportunity to know your child. Every child matters every day and starting strongly is so important. We look forward to you sharing your important insights about your child with us on Monday, 13 and Wednesday, 15 February.
Parking Reminder
Parking around the property is, at times, difficult. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our Haileybury community. Parents leaving via the South Road exit, please take care when turning onto South Road, particularly as the pedestrian crossing is so close to the exit.
Remember that all exits from the School to Villeroy and Rouen Streets close at 6.00 pm nightly. If you are attending an evening function, we encourage you to park on South Road and enter through the front gate.
There are clearly signed two-minute parking spaces outside our Villeroy Street gate and this is to be used as a ‘kiss and go’ zone, rather than disembarking from your car.
Please be considerate of the residents in the streets surrounding our School.
Early Learning Centre
A joyful beginning
There has been a mix of emotions as students start a new year in the Early Learning Centre — anticipation, excitement and joy have all been part of how the children, families and educators have been feeling as we begin a new school year.
During Term 1, there is a focus on building relationships and creating a sense of safety, security and belonging. The children are settling well, getting to know their peers and educators and they are learning about the environments that make up their Haileybury ELC community.
We look forward to many joyful moments as we all embark on a year of learning and development.
Anaphylaxis and food allergies
There are a number of children in the centre with food allergies and who are anaphylactic. We ask that you please be mindful of the foods packed for your child’s morning tea and lunch.
If you are in doubt, or have any queries, please speak with your class educators. It is important that we are aware of any potential risks for effective management. We appreciate your assistance with this important matter.
There are many ways that we stay connected with families, starting with our Parent Information sessions and orientation sessions at the end of last year. We look forward to catching up individually with families in our upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews.
The myHaileybury and Haileybury ELC apps are essential forms of regular communication. Please ensure you have set up both apps so you receive important updates and precious moments.
Junior School
Hello House Leaders
Part of the thrill of being in Year 4 is the opportunity to lead your House. Clements, Jackson, Kennedy and Russell House Leaders were inducted into their roles in a formal assembly in Week 1. These leaders will run assemblies, offer recess and lunchtime clubs to the Junior School, and assist during whole school House events.
Congratulations to the following students:

- If your child’s hair can be tied back, it must be tied back
- No nail polish or jewellery (small religious necklaces are allowed)
- Black sunhats are worn during any outdoor activity in Terms 1 and 4, ‘No hat, no play’
- PE uniforms are worn on the two days that your child’s class is timetabled for PE
- Water bottles are to be brought to school each day
- Sunscreen should be applied at home each morning and then a small personal roll-on popped in your child’s bag so they can reapply throughout the day if needed.
Middle School
Induction Days
We value the importance of all Middle School students having a positive start to their new year. So often when commencing a new year at school there are nerves and apprehension about what the next day, week or year may hold.
This is why running our two-day Induction Program is such an important feature of our Middle School experience. The first two days of school are about ensuring that all students have full access to a day in the life of a Haileybury student. From forging connections within the Homeroom, finding new faces, attending House meetings and specialist subjects, and attending their first assembly, our students are shown all that Castlefield offers.
After these first two days we began a regular timetable, giving our students a strong start within our Culture of Learning.
- Hats are to be worn at all break times. ‘No hat, no play’. Sunscreen should be applied at home and can be reapplied throughout the day
- A great year awaits within the Middle School.
Katrina Manson
Head of Castlefield (Brighton)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield (HPFC)
Thank you to everyone who attended the Junior School Parent Information Evening and Middle School Summer Drinks. It was so lovely to see you all.
Please keep a close eye on the myHaileybury app for all upcoming parent events, including:
- On Friday, 17 February, the Haileybury Parents and Friends Castlefield are hosting a Welcome event to start the year off with some fun. Stay tuned for more information.
- Coffee mornings are back for each year level at a local venue. You can walk down after drop-off and get to know other parents in your child’s class.
- Prep, Year 5 and Year 7 will have intake year events for parents to meet and mingle with families in the same year level.
- This year we are planning a Luna Park extravaganza — more details to follow.
As always, the Second-hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) is open for uniform requirements. We have lots of high-quality items available.
We look forward to building strong relationships with all our members of the Castlefield Community.
HPFC meeting — all welcome
Want to know more? Come to a meeting with the HPFC team who will discuss the year’s events and welcome our class social representatives. Everyone is invited. This is a great opportunity to meet parents and find out how you can get involved in the school community. The meeting will be held on Monday, 6 February at 6.00 pm in Dickinson Hall.
Monique Chapman
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends Castlefield