Performing Arts
Get your SpongeBob tickets here!
As many of you already know, our 2023 Senior production is The SpongeBob Musical.
Based on the world-famous cartoon that has inspired 13 seasons and four feature films, this musical has everything you would expect from the hilarious series.
This perfect event for the whole family is packed with wonderful designs, outstanding performances and great sounds from musical legends such as David Bowie, Aerosmith and Cindy Lauper.

Nick Waxman
Head of Drama and Theatre Studies
Ready for the pit
I hope all Music students and their families have enjoyed a restful break.
A short pause from instrumental lessons and ensemble rehearsal has been an opportunity to recharge and get ready for a busy season of concerts in Term 2.
For a number of Senior School Music staff, the Easter break has involved preparing for The SpongeBob Musical pit orchestra. In line with other leading independent schools, Haileybury has hired the orchestral scores used for professional productions of this musical around the world. Our 16-piece staff band will accompany our talented cast when the show opens next week.
This musical is suitable for all ages and is an ideal opportunity for young people to enjoy their first live theatre experience. Please bring the whole family to Aikman Hall.
Outstanding entertainment at Keysborough
While the weather was far from ideal, at the end of last term a large and appreciative audience enjoyed an evening of outstanding music at Twilight Concert. The Senior School large ensembles performed pops-inspired repertoire while the audience enjoyed some delicious refreshments.
Aria Night
Aria Night was held in the David Bradshaw Chapel in the final week of term. This vocal competition celebrates classical voice and the finalists each performed a European art song and an aria.
It was a remarkable evening that celebrated the elite talent of our voice students and the depth of the School’s Music program.
Congratulations to all students who participated with special congratulations to Thanh Vu (Year 12), Genevieve Gray (Year 12) and Alexis King (Year 10) for their stunning performances.
Rod Marshall
Director of Performing Arts & Head of Haileybury Music
Visual Arts
Creative crews
With productions underway, our student creative crews are working on all things theatre. From set to costumes, students are making props, painting backdrops and sewing the strangest of outfits. They are creating posters to tight deadlines and working in teams backstage — and they are loving it.
This experience provides students with insight into what it’s like to work in The Arts and co-curricular opportunities like this are available throughout the year.

Branding and Pop Art
After researching artists including Pop artists, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, Year 6 students created relief print artworks featuring a personal brand or multiple images of a common object.
Rachel Hibberd’s students at Edrington brainstormed everyday objects and documented them in their visual diaries. Next, they selected the most captivating design and drew it in A5 size. Finally, they selected their top four prints and arranged them in a grid to complete the final artwork.
Andrew Weatherill’s Castlefield students created their own brands by designing illustrations that represented themselves. They then carved them and created bold relief prints.
By following a common art process, students enjoyed the journey and challenges of making a work that has similar inspiration but always has a different outcome.
Rebecca Frith
Head of Visual Arts Junior & Middle School
Pipes & Drums
We are the 2023 State Champions!
The Haileybury Pipes & Drums rocked the Victorian Pipe Band Championships on Sunday, 2 April, showcasing their incredible talent and hard work.
For the first time in Haileybury’s history, the competition band (A Band) had an all-female leadership group including Pipe Major Jennifer Short (Year 12), Drum Sergeant Sofia Carollo (Year 10), Leading Tenor Braya Jade Hanssen (Year 10), Pipe Sergeant Ruby Nuttall (Year 11), and Pipe Corporal Jessie Sun (Year 10).
Haileybury #1 (A Band) scored fantastic victories in the Juvenile Novice A and Grade 4A categories and defended their 2022 state titles against fierce competition from interschool rivals Scotch College Pipes & Drums, Old Scotch Pipes & Drums, Ballarat Pipe Band and the City of Melbourne Pipe Band #2.
Having already claimed the National title in Grade 4A in 2022, the A band is now gearing up to compete at the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow this August.
But the success didn’t stop there. Haileybury #2 (B Band) also impressed the judges with their stellar performances, earning 2nd place in the Novice B medley and 3rd in the Novice B marches.
Meanwhile, Haileybury #3 (C Band) achieved an admirable 6th place in the Novice B marches, making a proud championship debut. Many of the students have been learning the pipes and drums for less than a year.
Adding to the day’s excitement, the event was held at Haileybury’s Keysborough campus, which made the victories of the Haileybury Pipes & Drums even sweeter! We could not be prouder of the Haileybury Pipes & Drums for their exceptional performances, and we look forward to the upcoming local and international competitions.
Go Haileybury!
Lincoln Hilton
Director, Pipes & Drums